Conducted at Edge School of Massage, Fayetteville, Arkansas by Abigail Showl, MMT
Pre-req: None
FEE: $425 ($375 if registered before 4/27)
Register by phone or text with Abigail at 479-883-0658.
CORE I Intensive: Technique — CORE I focuses on the basic ideas of the CORE Philosophy of good, safe deep tissue bodywork: assess, learn to access the correct layer of resistance, create movements and breath work for the client, and integrate any and all work done. We also cover intention, the psoas muscle, kinesiology lines of fascia, appropriate stretching cues and focus on the CORE® one session recipe, which we also observe, practice on each other, and on a client. Added recently: skin and superficial fascia dissection DVD with Gil Hedley. There is no pre requisite for CORE I — any massage therapist (and many lay people) with curiosity can benefit from this class.
CORE I and II are pre-requisites to learning the CORE III and IV five series of five sessions.